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About UES

Innovation sometimes borders on adventurism, but how is it possible to open up new technologies in other ways and to overcome the challenges that reality puts up in front of you. The enterprise, the idea of which was born back in 2015, was a real alternative to existing market proposals owing to its requirements and self-criticism to its own products.

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Created by a young engineer and inventor, an enterprise headed by Serhiy Anatoliyovych initially united only 5 people, while today there are 15 top-notch professionals who work in a team capable of achieving results regardless of how far away from the main office they are. The dream of the founder of the company began to be embodied in the products of the company skilfully combining electronics, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics at the same time. However, the company is striving to introduce some changes. We are still looking for like-minded people who could implement even larger and more complex projects. The market is putting forward its requirements and the buyer is becoming more demanding, the consumer wants to get everything at one place, so now it is the time of highly skilled engineering ideas.

Складський маніпулятор
Пульт керування
Виробництво будівельних матеріалів
інженерно конструкторські послуги
Промислове опалення
Автомат обробки мідного дроту
Пластикові литі шестерні
Зубчаті колеса для спецтехніки
Проектування механічного щеплання
Відтворення орегінальних запчастин
Автомат для лего цегли
Проектування промислового обладнання
Штамп холодного штампування
Промислова електроніка
Елемент сонячної установки
Геліо панель
Звукова камера дл�я еталонних вимірюв
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